Today billions of users have access to the internet, each day they use search engines to find products and services. Search Engine Optimization(SEO) has become an important part of business growth and customer attraction.
We provide SEO integration packages for our clients, and now they can generate them online, download and install. We are covering four major platforms: Java, PHP, .NET and Classic ASP. We provide it now for each widget/ratingbox, our clients can access that functionality on the Active Widgets page.
This is a sample result SEO integration package provides here.
Our SEO integration package provides Google, Yahoo, Bing and Yandex with much more granular information about products or service in a manner that is officially sanctioned by search engines. It means of providing very exact e-commerce information to the search engines in exactly the form they want it.
Rich Snippet Benefits
It increases visibility and credibility in the SERPs when search engines generate rich snippets for a product in the search results. Here is a rich snippet in Google for a service on IntelliQuote, which uses Product and Review markup.
Google is hungry for rich snippet markup.
Rich Snippets Testing Tool allows you to make sure you have implemented correctly.