A "Verified Buyer" review means RatingSystem has verified that the person writing the review purchased the product or service. A "Verified Buyer" submitted review through a specific process that clearly identifies those members who are submitting reviews of products that they own or services that received.
These reviews come with a small "Verified" badge. This means we have confirmed the person reviewing it. Reviews that are not marked "Verified" are valuable as well, but we can't confirm that the product or service was purchased.
Our process in nutshell:
Once a customer purchases a product or service, an email will be sent out within 7 days - a request to provide review for recent purchase. Seven days is the most common delay before sending these follow-up emails, but you can choose different delay up to 45 days in our system if your delivery process requires that. If you allow anonymous reviews, display a badge indicating "Verified Buyer" and provide extra transparency to your product reviews.
Verified buyers are asked to fill out a review via email and are taken to a page where they don't see any other reviews and aren't influenced by the reviews of others.
Our study shows that average star rating for reviews from verified buyers is 4.5 compared to 3.6 for reviews written anonymously. BTW reviews from anonymous customers have a larger percentage of one star ratings, anonymous customer more likely to give an even lower rating that they would initially to bring the overall rating down. Our study shows that more positive reviews are correlated with greater likelihood of purchase, and reviews from verified buyers are more positive overall.
Our "Verified Buyer" functionality is made with mobile in mind.
Every year, the amount of money being spent online is expanding exponentially and it has become essential that website owners take advantage of this on this traffic to their business sites. Ratings and reviews systems on websites are a primary way in which to aide visitors to take action and improve click through rates. By using a ratings and reviews optimization of a site becomes much more simpler.
Whichever type of website reviews and ratings system you may be using, it is undeniable from basic statistics that if you generate and manage reviews to place on your website, they will both draw in new shop surfers, and even begin to steadily increase sales!
If you begin to get visitor interaction and slowly earn their confidence, which is backed up by increasing social signals, you will build up something called “domain dominance”. The increased organic and natural linking to your site and pages show this dominance to the major search engines’ (such as Google) ‘bots’. You are also more likely to get more return visitors, and with that you are increasing social interaction.
The build up of all the trust in every aspects of your website interface (via the ratings and reviews) will rise. Every time you generate ratings/reviews or a user makes a comment, it provides a correlating review for you, and it increases your trust factors. Very shortly, you will come to realized that your product reviews become more trusted with a little less feedback. Review optimization is the key.
The internet revolution today has taken word of mouth marketing to a wholenew level. Consumers have the ability to share their experiences and opinions withtheir peers, in a way that is extremely influential and powerful. Online ratings and reviews give customers a strong and opinionated voice, increase consumer confidence, intensify product visibility, and can increase sales very dramatically. When it comes down to the wire, online ratings and reviews provide incredible value and benefits that businesses cannot afford to ignore.