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Shopify How to install RatingSystem on product pages

Shopify is a cloud-based e-commerce platform that enables anyone to easily set up and manage an online ecommerce store.

You do not need to be a developer to do this. We show you how to easily add ratings and reviews to your product pages in just a couple of simple steps.

You’ll need to be logged in as a Shopify admin to be able to make edits to your theme. Once logged into the store, on the left hand side click on “Online Store”, then “Themes”, then you’ll want to click on the three dots on the top right hand side (menu), and select “Edit HTML/CSS”.

Locate the file "product.liquid" from the list of files presented on the left.

Add the following 2 lines of code to "product.liquid" template file:
<script src=“"></script>
<my-app company=‘CompanyId’ ratingbox=‘RatingboxId’ product='{{ product.url }}'>Loading..</my-app>

Feel free to move this code up or down in the file in order to figure out the exact spot you'd like this to appear on your shop. We suggest placing the code below your product detail. Confirm that the Rating widget occupies the entire width of the page.

Note: Make sure that you replace CompanyId and RatingboxId with your unique values for your account, which can be found on the Active Widgets page.

Configure the following settings:
* CompanyId: Generated by when you create an account
* RatingboxId: Generated by when you create an account and configure your ratings and reviews system

Click Save button to save your "product.liquid" template

You will now have RatingSystem running on all of your product detail page.

Shopify integration