A couple of days ago we released some changes, added some nice new features and fixed quite a few bugs.
The biggest new features in this release:
- We have moved our New Web Widget builder out of beta
- Rewrote customer review and question moderation pages, made them responsive and easily accessible on any mobile or desktop devices
- Added send an email functionality when review is posted
- Added date range search option to follow up sent emails report
- Added separate email template management console - Account Settings->Email Template
- Email template option was added to support default notification for clients when review gets posted
We also spent most of this release cycle fixing customer issues and enhancement requests. We appreciate everyone’s patience as we developed this.
We rewrote our User Guide, now much easier to navigate and read. We even made it responsive so our content is accessible on any computer or device.
We hope you enjoy all of the work we put into the site and service. 
Today billions of users have access to the internet, each day they use search engines to find products and services. Search Engine Optimization(SEO) has become an important part of business growth and customer attraction.
We provide SEO integration packages for our clients, and now they can generate them online, download and install. We are covering four major platforms: Java, PHP, .NET and Classic ASP. We provide it now for each widget/ratingbox, our clients can access that functionality on the Active Widgets page.
This is a sample result SEO integration package provides here.
Our SEO integration package provides Google, Yahoo, Bing and Yandex with much more granular information about products or service in a manner that is officially sanctioned by search engines. It means of providing very exact e-commerce information to the search engines in exactly the form they want it.
Rich Snippet Benefits
It increases visibility and credibility in the SERPs when search engines generate rich snippets for a product in the search results. Here is a rich snippet in Google for a service on IntelliQuote, which uses schema.org Product and Review markup.
Google is hungry for rich snippet markup.
Rich Snippets Testing Tool allows you to make sure you have implemented Schema.org correctly.
Today we would like to announce a new version of our Web Widget Builder. Our widget builder makes it super easy to create and edit different types of widgets. You can also use this builder to add more features to your product rating and review system.
You can create widgets in minutes using our new Widget Builder.
It helps you to build more advanced widgets than what our competitors provide you with by default, without the need to touch a line of code.
What you see on the right is a very functional tool in the right hands. If you have a good understanding of HTML and CSS, you can add/edit Custom CSS to achieve most things, but we believe that you should only have to resort to coding by hand as a last option. You can create new widgets by clicking on the “Create New Box” option under the Widgets Setup section on your admin sidebar.
There are three areas that you need to concern yourself with:
- The widget template
- The widget Write reviews area
- The widget Read reviews area
All of the fields are pre-populated with default values, so you have a high level of flexibility in terms of what you show, how you want to show and where.

At the end of the day, using our Widget Builder rather than Custom CSS is much like using a visual editor rather than a HTML/CSS editor. There will always be people who like a manual approach, but we will always go for the least path of resistance.
Client testimonials are a powerful tool you can use to gain credibility and trust to generate more business.
In addition to product reviews, Rating-System provides you solution for your company/brand level testimonials. Online testimonials as well as reviews in the press are the pieces of content that consumers are viewing before they are reaching out to companies. When used correctly, reviews add credibility and help alleviate any concerns your prospects may have when purchasing your product or service.
More and more customers are using online reviews to inform themselves and encourage their purchasing decisions. Customer will have an easier time trusting your company when they see that previous clients were happy with their experience.
While customers continue to place a high value on user testimonials, quality and integrity of review content becomes even more important. We have solution for you and take actions to to protect reviews from a variety of fraudulent and inauthentic practices.
We make sure 100% of the reviews are offered from real customers that have had real first-hand experience with your business. We can filter out fraud and spam reviews, our technology is used to identify the submission source of all reviews. We make sure reviews are not altered or deleted in any way by anyone other than the actual author. Low volume and quality of reviews can be the decisive factor in customer decision not to deal with your company. The worst kind of positive testimonial is one that is too general: "XYZ Company is great!" or "John Doe’s agency was wonderful to work with." These testimonials don't say anything about your benefits.
We encourage your customers to write reviews about their experiences with your product and support team. If you are confident in your product or service - your customers should be too. On the right you can see sample follow up email that can be used to request customer review recent experience with your support or sales people.
With our automated emailing solution, we make sure you collect an accurate picture of what people think about your business. We identify each customer to ensure integrity. Satisfied clients are often more than happy to be interviewed about their experience using your product or service.

Customer testimonials are an important part of your marketing program and online business.