Shopify is a cloud-based e-commerce platform that enables anyone to easily set up and manage an online ecommerce store.
You do not need to be a developer to do this. We show you how to easily add ratings and reviews to your product pages in just a couple of simple steps.
You’ll need to be logged in as a Shopify admin to be able to make edits to your theme. Once logged into the store, on the left hand side click on “Online Store”, then “Themes”, then you’ll want to click on the three dots on the top right hand side (menu), and select “Edit HTML/CSS”.
Locate the file "product.liquid" from the list of files presented on the left.
Add the following 2 lines of code to "product.liquid" template file:
<script src=“"></script>
<my-app company=‘CompanyId’ ratingbox=‘RatingboxId’ product='{{ product.url }}'>Loading..</my-app>
Feel free to move this code up or down in the file in order to figure out the exact spot you'd like this to appear on your shop. We suggest placing the code below your product detail. Confirm that the Rating widget occupies the entire width of the page.
Note: Make sure that you replace CompanyId and RatingboxId with your unique values for your account, which can be found on the Active Widgets page.
Configure the following settings:
* CompanyId: Generated by when you create an account
* RatingboxId: Generated by when you create an account and configure your ratings and reviews system
Click Save button to save your "product.liquid" template
You will now have RatingSystem running on all of your product detail page.

Today we are launching the public beta of our new Ratings and Reviews system and we are really looking forward to your feedback.
Receiving and analyzing your product/service Ratings and Reviews captured on your website is often critical to the success of your organization. We are going to make this process even easier. We are happy to announce our new version of Ratings and Reviews that will help you generate word-of-mouth in a more interactive way. Our new system is ideal for mobile, and more engaging for your customers, but that’s not all.
You can add custom questions to your product review process, which can result in more accurate responses, so you can better analyze your results. Each question type will create a more engaging experience for your customers regardless of the device they are on.
We talk a lot about mobile optimization for Ratings and Reviews and why it is so important. More than 38% of our clients are now completing reviews on mobile devices.
If for some reason you didn’t think mobile was important before - it’s time to think again.

Throughout 2016 we made a lot of improvements to help you build your Ratings and Reviews system, and we are excited to announce this new version. Our set of prepackaged themes and styles make your Review and Q&A look beautiful. Besides giving reviews a great new look, the themes are also "Responsive". Responsive is a design approach to developing websites that allow your webpages to automatically adjust to fit on different size devices. This means it will look great no matter where your customers view them—be it a phone, tablet, or computer.
You can find new integration code under the Setup tab using the Active Widgets dropdown menu.
Your feedback is most welcome. Please let us know what you think about the changes.
If you find anything that we can improve upon - please let us know.
We have just upgraded our website to better serve our clients. We have upgraded our servers to make the loading the Review widget faster and more reliable. A few weeks ago we upgraded much of the core infrastructure in our data center. We’re always reorganizing, tuning, checking allocations, and generally optimizing code and infrastructure wherever we can.
Other Improvements
This month’s release also includes a number minor of bug fixes.
Email server upgrade.
One of the biggest challenge when running your own email server is keeping any emails you send from being classified as spam by the receiver. One of best ways to prevent phishing is to be proactive by employing domain name authentication. Authentication serves to protect your brand by providing a valid identity on a sending domain. Once authenticated, receivers then use it as a foundation for applying reputation and accreditation as well as a tool for more accurate filtering. We are happy to announce that we have rolled out DKIM authentication on behalf of all our clients. Top global webmail providers such as AOL, Gmail, Windows Live Hotmail & Yahoo are now incorporating DKIM into their filtering algorithms. This enhancement will improve our follow up email delivery process. Please check your follow-up email conversion report in the future - you will see the difference.
DKIM, or DomainKeys Identified Mail, is a cryptographic approach to authenticating email. It was developed in part to solve some of the issues that SPF can’t solve, such as forwarded email. This is an important step in the fight against phishing as spammers are no longer able to use disposable and transient IPs and hide behind a made-up domain.
Deciding to hire an SEO is a big step that can potentially improve your website, but you can also risk damage to your website and reputation. Use our ratings and reviews solution risk free, we have proven record of results. Organic search results were invented to distinguish the real search results from the ads. Rich snippets enable sites to improve their search results with add-ons like ratings, reviews and photos, which draw the searcher’s eye as well as offering additional information. Rich snippets are an effective means of boosting your exposure in the organic search results.
Google claims that their users click organic search results more often than ads. Using rich snippet helps Google to present users with the most useful and informative search results. The more information a search result snippet can provide, the easier it is for users to decide whether that page is relevant to their search, the easier it is for users to distinguish the real search results from the ads.
With rich snippets your reviews represent a certain type of data: count of votes, star rating and etc. Search engines provide rich snippets not to play favorites with one page over another, but to enable searchers to make a more click decision.
Rich snippets help you see:
- Higher rankings in organic search results
- Better clickthrough rates
- More qualified traffic
- Better conversion rates
Providing this information doesn't affect the appearance of your content on your own pages, but it does help Google better understand, index and present information from your page.
Check out an example of a Product Reviews rich snippet below. The Reviews markup type also includes the commonly seen Reviews Aggregate.

Notice how the meta data features more intelligent, engaging content that provides better information about your product or service.
We suggest taking a read of the website for a more in–depth understanding of structured data mark–up.
Today's release brings you a couple of new feature.
Salesforce integration.
Our Salesforce integration allows our clients automatically send information from Rating-System ratings&reviews or Q&A into a Case of their Salesforce account. Conditions can be applied using advanced logic to identify certain respondents that will be saved into Salesforce and the ones will not. On top of that, our clients can build customer loyalty and deliver the best possible customer service by unifying the customers’ data across Service Cloud, mobile, web and on premise environments to close the loop. And also increase sales by integrating customer questions into your already existing sales support workflows. You can also drastically improve the product innovation cycles by integrating product reviews into product insight.

We look forward to receiving your feedback on these new features.